This diagnostic test, when performed frequently, can increase the chances for a person to survive cancer and allows easier alternatives for treatment.
Mammography can detect cancer too small to be noticed by a physical exam and should be performed regularly for women over their thirties.
- Diagnostic
- Bilateral
- Unilateral
- Screening
Did You CAD it?
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among
women aged 35-54.
Early screening and diagnosis is the key to surviving breast cancer.
What does the Computer Aided Detection (CAD) do?
After your mammography exam, your films are scanned and digitized by Computer Aided Detection computer. It analyses the film and prints a report for the Radiologist, highlighting suspicious areas that may be indicative of cancer. It acts like a second pair of eyes or a spell checker.
How can Computer Aided Detection help me?
Studies show that for every 100 cancers detected, approximately 23 cancers go undetected by the
Radiologist. By utilizing Computer Aided Detection along with the Radiologists regular evaluation, oversight
cases were reduced by over 90%.
Does Computer Aided Detection help with earlier detection of breast cancer?
Yes. 20-40% of early stage breast cancers go undetected at the time of the screening exam. Studies show that by using Computer Aided Detection some cancers could have been detected up to 24 months earlier than with conventional means only.
Does earlier detection help?
Yes. It is critical to diagnose breast cancer as early as possible when survival rates are highest and treatment costs are lowest.
Will my insurance company cover the cost of Computer Aided Detection procedure?
Medicare and many other insurance companies are currently reimbursing for this procedure, however, due to the newness of this technology not all payers are reimbursing at this time. Check with your provider.
Can I get Computer Aided Detection even if I am not covered by my insurance company?
Yes. CAD is currently available to all patients.