Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging and PACS … what does it mean?

The Advantages of PACS Delivery and Retrieval Include:


  • Quicker access to reports and images than ever before
  • Added convenience for physicians and patients
  • Availability of images and reports 24/7
  • Faster, easier retrieval of images from archives
  • Long-term storage of images

Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging is proud to offer central Florida physicians imaging technology that will enhance communication between a testing facility and your doctor, called: PACS (Picture Archival Communication System)

The fundamental concept underlying PACS is that medical images can be captured in digital form and transferred over computer networks where they can be viewed on computer terminals and/or saved for later viewing.

As a part of the “Cyrus Family” of participating physicians, your test results are quickly available via computer connections for review and consultation on a computer in your office.

Picture Archival Communications Systems (PACS) allow medical images to be stored on compact optical disks rather than in large, costly file rooms. Images stored on disk do not get misplaced, do not walk out the door with the patient, and do not get sent to off-site warehouse facilities where it takes hours or days to retrieve.

The Cyrus Radiologist with a PACS system at hand can instantly retrieve a patients x-rays and all previous studies for comparative analysis. And, Cyrus participating referring physicians have instant access to the patient’s diagnostic study.